
Action Tables

“I learned a lot about myself, each other, and was able to apply each weekly action into my life. Incredibly grateful for you Ted!”
Katherine G., Realtor

“Bonding and growing as a team, sharing, getting to know them on a deeper level.”
Christina S., Human Resources

“Enjoyed the connection and vulnerability shared within the room/table.”
Danny S., Principal Broker

“Great transformation table, thank you! It got us all to interact and really get to know each other and reinforced that you cannot over communicate.”
Annette S., Owner, Director of Compliance

“The interaction between the group and simply learning more about individual team members. Ted’s time with us was unbelievably valuable, as leaders, we honed our focus, skills, and learned more about what motivates as a team and organization.”
Tom L., CEO

“We became closer as a team. The weekly topics were thoughtful and the goal setting extremely helpful. I tried to implement the weekly action plan to improve myself and make me a better leader.”
Anthony L., School Principal

“This was a wonderful way to learn about my colleagues and connect with them on a different level. It also challenged me to be a better person. Ted did an excellent job of keeping us on task and facilitate the conversation. I can’t wait for the journey to continue with the Action Table.”
Andrea V., School Principal

“I really enjoyed sharing my personal and professional successes and challenges with my new friends from Malawi, Nigeria, and South Africa. Thank you so much for leading our transformation table, it was GREAT!”
Mohammed B., Financial Advisor

It was great to share life and professional experiences. Thank you so much Ted for leading the fun!”
Towela T., Financial Advisor